The Electables

Mini Super Tuesday Recap

Episode Summary

Things are heating up in the Democratic race to elect a nominee to take on Donald Trump in November. It looked like Bernie Sanders was going to run away with it after the Nevada caucuses but Joe Biden has been catapulted by strong results in Super Tuesday and now Mini Super Tuesday. Doug and Adrienne catch you up on where this race stands heading into the first head-to-head debate between the two frontrunners on Sunday, March 15, 2020

Episode Notes

Things are heating up in the Democratic race to elect a nominee to take on Donald Trump in November. It looked like Bernie Sanders was going to run away with it after the Nevada caucuses but Joe Biden has been catapulted by strong results in Super Tuesday and now Mini Super Tuesday. Doug and Adrienne catch you up on where this race stands heading into the first head-to-head debate between the two frontrunners on Sunday, March 15, 2020